Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A New Blog?!?!

A new year, a new adventure!
I confess, I have no idea what I am getting myself into!  My dear friend Elisabeth, owner of the best paper crafting store around, Paper Anthology, has been encouraging me for some time now to jump into the world of blogging.  I admit it... I resisted.  After all I am a busy person, right?  I don't have time for yet another thing to remember to do, right?  Well yeah, lol, but as they say... If you want something done, give it to a busy person.  So I'm giving it a go.  I am really excited to have a place to share my projects and am hoping that it makes me carve out just a little more time to create!  Thank you Elisabeth for thinking I can do this.  Thank you in advance to anyone who stops by to look!  I hope you enjoy your visits with me!!  Next stop... my first project post!!!


  1. Yay! Found you and can't wait to see your first project!

  2. Hi, Good luck with your blog! I keep telling myself that I will get back to mine, maybe some day! Can't wait to see what you post here!! Love all of your work!!

  3. Sounds like a great idea, Michelle...excited to watch it develop! Good luck!

  4. So excited and can't wait to see your projects! I am always amazed at what you do at the crops!!!

  5. I'm here! And following you on Google Reader... Can't wait to see what you post!!!

  6. Hi Michelle! Good for you to start a blog! I started one last year and it is a nice gallery and journal of my scrapping journey. Probably see at the shop soon on a Wednesday. Feel free to stop by little corner of the blogosphere at

  7. Can't wait to see your projects!!!! :)

  8. Way to go, Michelle! I'm looking forward to following your posts!
